First Calibre Remodeling, Our Trusted GC Starting to Stack Green Tags
First Calibre, Our Trusted General Contractor
In the world of cigars, craftsmanship and heritage are not just attributes; they are mandates. It's with this philosophy that we approach the exciting expansion happening at Industrial Cigar Co. Leading the charge is our trusted General Contractor, First Calibre Remodeling, captained by long-time ICC family members Ryan Hensley and Mark Vines. Their intimate knowledge of our vision translates into a well-executed plan that promises to enhance the ICC experience for our guests for decades to come.
Breathe Fresh with Air Rescue HVAC
But that's not the whole story; our construction journey has evolved into a genuine family affair. Enter Air Rescue Heating & Air, directed by Kecia and Aaron Klause, yet another dynamic duo who have been part of our ICC family for years. Specializing in air purification and HVAC, they're the go-to experts ensuring that not just the cigars are premium, but the air you breathe is, too.
So what's the latest milestone that has us elated? This week, we're popping corks for receiving our much-anticipated green tag in the electrical category. This critical step catapults us toward our next big hurdle: the mechanical inspection, slated for later this week. We are inching closer and closer to the completion of this legacy project.
For those who want to take part in this historic chapter, here's a golden opportunity. This week may very well be the last where you can physically sign the studs before we button up these walls. It’s more than just ink on wood; it’s your personal stamp on a timeless institution. Don't miss this chance to embed yourself in the very fabric of ICC.