Industrial Cigar Co. Unveils Three Acrylic Humidor Options With an Upgraded LED Base
Industrial Cigar Co. (ICC), the family-owned business renowned for world-class cigar experiences, is thrilled to announce the launch of its innovative line of acrylic humidors, redefining what it means to store cigars in style. Elevating the game, these new options offer high performance, low maintenance, and unprecedented customization possibilities.
In a compelling evolution from traditional cedar humidors, which often wrestle with humidity levels, ICC's acrylic humidors ensure a hassle-free experience. Expertly designed for optimal humidity flow, the ICC acrylic humidor collection debuts in three sizes: 30ct Lite adorned with ICC's signature smoke stacks on the interior tray, a 75ct Original model, and a 150ct Double Stack, which garnered immense interest when previewed last year.
For those who appreciate a visual touch, the 75ct Original and 150ct Double Stack are sized to fit snugly atop a newly upgraded, remote-controlled LED lit base, which cycles through various colors without generating heat that could jeopardize the cigars.
Special Offer: Until October 31st, purchase any of these acrylic humidors and enroll in our 'Humidity for Life' package. This unique program allows customers to receive replacement humidity packs for free for the life of their humidor. Simply bring in your used pack, and we'll replace it—up to three times per year.
As an extra touch of sophistication, any lid may be customized via laser engraving for an additional $25.
- 30ct Lite Model: $99 MSRP
- 75ct Original Model: $229 MSRP
- 150ct Double Stack: $299 MSRP
For a seamless integration of form and function, elevate your cigar storage game with Industrial Cigar Co.'s latest acrylic humidor offerings.