Industrial Cigar Co. Wins Best Cigar Lounge in National Award by PCA
Industrial Cigar Co. Crowned as Nation's Finest Cigar Lounge
Exciting news for cigar enthusiasts! Frisco’s very own Industrial Cigar Co. (ICC) has been honored with the title of Best Cigar Lounge in the country by the Premium Cigar Association (PCA). This prestigious award is a nod to ICC's steadfast commitment to excellence and its mission of offering an unparalleled cigar experience to aficionados of all levels.
The “Best of the Leaf” award by PCA seeks to recognize America’s elite brick-and-mortar cigar establishments. ICC’s win is not just a feather in its cap but a resounding validation of its efforts to uplift the cigar lounge experience. ICC prides itself on its hospitality, its educational approach towards guests, and its dedication to fostering a strong, inclusive community of cigar lovers.
Brandon Frakes, co-owner of ICC, expressed his pride in bringing this accolade to Frisco. "Achieving the status of the finest cigar experience on the planet is our aspiration, and this award is a significant milestone in that journey," he remarked. Brandon also extended his congratulations to other remarkable nominees, highlighting the collective contribution to the industry.
In line with this momentous occasion, ICC is thrilled to announce the soft opening of its new expansion, including the Fuselage Parlor and Kitchen. This expansion is a testament to ICC's growth, now offering a restaurant and a bar with craft cocktails and rare liquors in a space crafted by co-owners Beglije and Ale Frakes.
To stay updated on ICC’s journey and offerings, visit or follow their journey on Instagram @industrialcigars. Here’s to celebrating the craft and community of fine cigars!